Monday, October 20, 2008

How to Buy a Harmonica

Free Hohner Harmonica Professional Set

Whether it's jazz, blues, or Billy Joel, a harmonica purchase will jump start your music career. There are a few things you need to know before you journey forth on your hunt for the perfect harmonica.

Step 1
Decide which type of harmonica is right for you. There are three styles of harmonica: diatonic, tremolo and chromatic. For a better understanding of each of these, check out this website. Suzuki has good descriptions of each kind. For beginners, the diatonic harmonica is highly recommended. A diatonic has ten holes and is a fairly easy instrument on which to learn.

Step 2
Choose a key. As if three kinds of harmonica wasn't enough variety, harmonicas also come in different keys! The most common key is C and you will have the most luck finding instructional booklets and sheet music in the key of C.

Step 3
Determine which material you would like your harmonica to be made from. Harmonicas come in plastic, wood and metal. Any of these are fine for beginners, but serious harmonica players tend to prefer metal over plastic and wood because they claim wood and plastic leak too much air.

Step 4
Budget for your harmonica purchase. The instrument has a huge range in price, but most harmonica experts suggest spending the few extra dollars to get a quality machine. You will find harmonicas starting at $5 to $10, but consider spending around $35 to get the most bang for your buck.

Step 5
Browse and comparison shop before buying. Book stores and hobby shops will sell harmonicas at affordable prices, and even throw in a beginner songbook with the purchase. This might be a good option for younger learners, or for those who aren't sure if they will be life long harmonica players. For more serious beginners, a music specialty shop or instrument retailer will offer mid- to high-end harmonicas.

Step 6
Do not preoccupy yourself with the brand of harmonica. Plenty of instrument makers have quality harmonicas. Hohner is the most well-known brand of harmonica, but plenty of others are just as wonderful. As long as you make an informed decision, you will be very happy with your purchase.

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