Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Free Brother Computerized Sewing Machine?

Computerized sewing machines remember my favorite stitch and the buttonhole configuration that I wish to repeat many times. I used my friend's computerized sewing machine and it automatically sets the stitch length and width, adjusts the tension, and tells you which presser foot to use. It saves a lot of time and it offers so many helpful features.

The only problem is that these machines can be very expensive. I wanted to find a used one, but what I found was ten times better. This site:
gives away a Brother computerized sewing machine for free! Let me share with you my journey through the best kept secret of the web:

Finding the product
I searched on Google for "computerized sewing machine" and found this link

Finding who is behind this offer
A company called World Avenue. Apparently, this company offers other items for free. How exciting!

Requirements to receive product
I used a secure Internet connection, gave away personal information (address, email), and spent about an hour going through the process.

Overall experience
I filled out a profile page and then answered a series of survey questions. Then I navegated through a series of pages with different offers. I signed up for a free trial of movie rentals, a couple of credit cards, and to receive coffee sample. I also used the refer a friend option and spent nothing out of pocket. I had to choose the zero cost offers slowly.

I completed the process and now I am waiting to receive my Brother Computerized Sewing Machine! I can't wait to start using it and learn more about its features. Maybe I can start an alterations small business from home!

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